Individual emotion release and healing session
We are all perfect beings born from wholeness, but the clouds of accumulated life experiences often overshadow this inner sun over time.
I have always been a very empathetic and deep person, and my path of self-help and growth has been long. It will continue throughout my life.
However, I have experienced success, and I am immensely grateful for that—to have met wonderful teachers, to absorb their wisdom, to gain life-changing tools, and most importantly, to learn how to seek them in my own heart. ♥
Because the truth exists only in this moment, in these circumstances, and only for you. The next moment, even if it seems identical, will carry entirely different information and lessons.
There's no need to fight with the shadows. You simply need to allow light into the room.
Is it for YOU?
The entire approach, language, and intent of my work come from a spiritual perspective—seeing ourselves as spirit within a human body.
I won’t teach you how to get rid of unpleasant feelings or "fix" other people or things you don’t like. Instead, we’ll learn to open to the perspective that challenges are gateways to growth and gifts in themselves.
Words will be secondary and our tool will be body and feelings. We’ll allow the mind to finally rest for some time. ♥
You feel that...
But you desire to...
And most importantly—ask your Soul!
Close your eyes and feel your body, emotions, and thoughts.
Look deep into your innermost layers, into the wisdom of your heart, and ask—am I ready for change? Am I at a moment in my life where I feel it’s time to make space for new experiences? Do I want to stay where I am, or am I willing to take a chance and step curiously into the unknown, embarking on a journey within?
Am I ready to breathe deeply and hear my heart? Am I ready to drink from my own fountain of bliss and stop searching for drops of it in the outer world, in the approval of others or in various achievements?
♥ If you answered YES to even one of these questions, I wholeheartedly recommend daring to gift yourself with this chance of healing, openness and presence. ♥
Register by email or via social media:
If you still wish to feel more...
You can get to know my energy from my YouTube meditations and an intro video of how emotion release session looks like:
"Eglė is a wonderful guide for emotional release. I turned to her for help with various issues that were holding me back in life.
Eglė very accurately and quickly finds the root of the problem, bringing it out of the subconscious, and with her knowledge and intuition, she guides a person out of the forest of illusion to a place of inner peace and relaxation.
When you’re with her, it feels like you’ve entered a space of love where there’s no judgment... and the problems seem to dissolve as if by magic.
After the session, I felt calm, and the problems that had seemed so daunting no longer felt as frightening or important as before.
Eglė gives everyone the opportunity for inner transformation, which is soon followed by external change.
I’m grateful and highly recommend experiencing this for yourself."
- Žilvinas Gaušas
"I highly recommend Eglė for emotional release sessions—it’s a powerful experience. She is positive, calm, confident, and truly willing to help.
In my experience, this is a different approach than visiting a traditional psychologist or psychotherapist; the work with yourself is deeper and more intense. Now, I see emotions differently, or at least I try to view them in a new light.
Society often labels certain emotions as bad or negative, so it’s natural for many people to want to block them. The biggest shift for me has been learning to accept my emotions without labeling them. This has made it easier to accept myself as I am, as well as others with all their emotions and traits.
I’ve gained more flexibility and learned to be present with my emotions, which helps both in professional settings and in relationships with others.
During the session, I felt a range of emotions—anger, fear, joy, relief, as well as pain and sadness. At times, it felt as though I was reliving emotions from past experiences that I hadn’t allowed myself to feel before, and now they were finally set free."
- Karolis Baltaduonis
"After the release sessions, I’ve felt more peace and faith that everything in life is just as it should be—a deeper sense of harmony with reality.
When emotions arise, I no longer fight them. During the session, I felt safe and at ease; Eglė was calm and open to me and my feelings."
- Paulius Ignatavičius
"I came to a session with Eglė feeling weighed down by heavy energy, and we went through deep processes.
Eglė has an incredible ability to find connection points and uncover the root causes, so I left feeling light and relaxed, and that same tension has never returned.
I gained valuable insights that I still rely on to this day. I recommend her to anyone who feels they are wandering through a maze and wants to find their way out. Thank you."
- Raimonda Urba
"Eglė labai gilus ir jautrus žmogus. Turėdama tai savyje, ji padėjo ir švelniai mane palydėjo atrasti savo gelmes.
Jas atradus, padėjo priimti ne tik tai kas gražu, bet ir tai, kas skauda.
Po sesijos užplūsdavo lengvumo jausmas ir ramybė, nes situacijas gebėdavau matyti ir vertinti iš daug platesnės perspektyvos.
Egle, esu tau labai dėkinga už tai! Džiaugiuosi, kad susitikom!"
- Augustina Ardavičiūtė